Blacky | 24 | He/Them | nb lesbian

Fanartist from México that spends too much time and money on card games

If you're interested in commissioning me (thank you!!) you can find all the information here:

About me

Yugioh enjoyer, 24/7 Judai Yuki devotee and still a Klonoa fanatic.
Hi! The name's Blacky, I literally draw about whatever I like and I just try to make cute fanart.
Im not the best at interacting with other people so please be patient with me!! I sometimes don't respond DMsI tend to be on long hiatus when I feel burned out, so I sometimes retweet my old art or just dissapear without warningIf we're mutuals feel free to add me on my priv acc I just post doodles and I talk about whatever i'm playing/watching at the moment!! So I'll probably be more open to talk there :]

Other interest

-Final Fantasy
-RPGMaker Games (LISA, OFF, Mad Father, etc)
-Earthbound/MOTHER series


-English isn't my first language, so please be patient with me!
-Do NOT edit or redraw my art.
-Please dont make weird comments about me or my art
-Please credit me if you repost/use my art